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(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
Africa Urdu meaning

Noun: Africa
1. Africa
The second largest continent; located to the south of Europe and bordered to the west by the South Atlantic and to the east by the Indian Ocean

Lexical Analysis

Derived Words:

Parts of Africa:
abyssinia, afars and issas, african country, african nation, angola, arab republic of egypt, barbary, basutoland, belgian congo, benin, black africa, botswana, burundi, cameroon, cameroun, central africa, central african republic, chad, chari, chari river, congo, cote d'ivoire, dahomey, democratic republic of the congo, djibouti, east africa, egypt, equatorial guinea, ethiopia, federal democratic republic of ethiopia, federal republic of nigeria, french congo, french guinea, french sudan, gabon, gabonese republic, gabun, gambia, ghana, gold coast, great rift valley, guine-bissau, guinea, guinea-bissau, horn of africa, islamic republic of mauritania, ivory coast, kenya, kingdom of lesotho, kingdom of swaziland, lake chad, lake tanganyika, lake victoria, lesotho, liberia, libya, madagascar, maghreb, mahgrib, malagasy republic, malawi, mali, mauritania, mauritanie, mocambique, mozambique, muritaniya, namibia, niger, nigeria, north africa, northern rhodesia, nubia, nyasaland, ottoman empire, portuguese guinea, republic of angola, republic of benin, republic of botswana, republic of burundi, republic of cameroon, republic of chad, republic of cote d'ivoire, republic of djibouti, republic of equatorial guinea, republic of ghana, republic of guinea, republic of guinea-bissau, republic of kenya, republic of liberia, republic of madagascar, republic of malawi, republic of mali, republic of mozambique, republic of namibia, republic of niger, republic of senegal, republic of sierra leone, republic of south africa, republic of the congo, republic of the gambia, republic of the sudan, republic of uganda, republic of zambia, republic of zimbabwe, rhodesia, roman empire, ruanda, rwanda, rwandese republic, sahara, sahara desert, senegal, shari, shari river, sierra leone, socialist people's libyan arab jamahiriya, somali peninsula, somalia, soudan, south africa, south west africa, southern rhodesia, spanish guinea, sub-saharan africa, sudan, swaziland, tanganyika, tanzania, tchad, the gambia, togo, togolese republic, turkish empire, uganda, united arab republic, united republic of tanzania, victoria nyanza, west africa, yaltopya, zaire, zambia, zimbabwe

Africa is a part of:

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