
366 Proverbs with their Urdu Meanings and Examples

It's better to travel hopefully than to arrive.

خیالات میں رہنا حقیقت سے بہتر ہے

The anticipation of an event is often better than the event itself. (For example, looking forward to Christmas is often better than the day itself.)

He who laughs last laughs longest.

کسی کا مزاق اُڑانے میں جلدی مت کرو

Don't be too quick to laugh at someone; they may soon be laughing at you.

An alternative is: He laughs best who laughs last.

All that glitters is not gold.

ہر چمکتی چیز سونا نہیں ہو تی

What looks good or valuable be in fact be worthless.

'To glitter' is to shine brightly.

Still waters run deep.

خا موش طبع لوگ بڑے گہرے ہوتے ہیں

Quiet people also have strong feelings or intelligent ideas.

Better to ask the way than go astray.

پہلے پکڑو نصیحت پھر راستہ

If you ask for advice or help, you won't make a mistake.

'To go astray' means to get lost or make a mistake.

Ask no questions, hear no lies.

نہ پوچھو نہ سُنو

I'm not going to tell you the truth, so don't even bother asking me.

Money is the root of all evil.?

پیسہ تمام مصا ئب کی جڑ ہے

Money is the cause of all the problems in the world.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

بُرائی کے بدلے بُرائی مت کرو

If someone has done some bad or wrong to you, this does not mean that you should do something bad or wrong to him.

An alternative is: Two blacks do not make a white.

All cats are grey in the dark.

اندرونی خوبصورتی ظاہری سے بہتر ہے

Beauty is not important - everyone is the same inside.

Handsome is as handsome does.

حسین وہ ہے جو اچھے کام کرے

It's not what you look like that is important; it's what you do.

Word of the day

December 26, 2024
- the chest considered as the place where secret thoughts are kept
سینے کو اس جگہ تصور کیا جاتا ہے جہاں خفیہ خیالات رکھے جاتے ہیں.
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