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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: Harris
1. Harris [ Synonyms: joel chandler harris, joel harris]
United States author who wrote the stories about Uncle Remus (1848-1908)
2. Harris [ Synonyms: zellig harris, zellig sabbatai harris]
United States linguist (born in Ukraine) who developed mathematical linguistics and interpreted speech and writing in a social context (1909-1992)
3. Harris [ Synonyms: townsend harris]
United States diplomat who was instrumental in opening Japan to foreign trade (1804-1878)
4. Harris [ Synonyms: frank harris, james thomas harris]
Irish writer noted for his sexually explicit but unreliable autobiography (1856-1931)
5. Harris [ Synonyms: bomber harris, sir arthur travers harris]
British marshal of the Royal Air Force; during World War II he directed mass bombing raids against German cities that resulted in heavy civilian casualties (1892-1984)
6. Harris [ Synonyms: benjamin harris]
Publisher of the first newspaper printed in America (1673-1713)
(امریکہ میں چھپا پہلے اخبار کے ناشر (1673-1713۔

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December 26, 2024
- an awkward stupid person
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