1. Mason [ Synonyms: george mason] | |
American Revolutionary leader from Virginia whose objections led to the drafting of the Bill of Rights (1725-1792)
2. Mason [ Synonyms: james mason, james neville mason] | |
English film actor (1909-1984)
3. Mason [ Synonyms: a. e. w. mason, alfred edward woodley mason] | |
English writer (1865-1948)
4. Mason [ Synonyms: stonemason] | |
A craftsman who works with stone or brick
پتھروں سے کام کرنے والا۔ مستری۔ |
5. Mason [ Synonyms: freemason] | |
A member of a widespread secret fraternal order pledged to mutual assistance and brotherly love
ایک بین الاقوامی تنظیم معماران احرار کا رکن۔ |
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