1. wonder [ Synonyms: admiration, wonderment] | |
The feeling aroused by something strange and surprising
۔ حیرت ۔ |
2. wonder [ Synonyms: marvel] | |
Something that causes feelings of wonder
"the wonders of modern science";
۔ اعجوبہ ۔ انوکھی چیز ۔ |
3. wonder [ Synonyms: curiosity] | |
A state in which you want to learn more about something
۔ تجسس ۔ دلچسپی ۔ |
1. wonder [ Synonyms: enquire, inquire] | |
Have a wish or desire to know something
"He wondered who had built this beautiful church";
جاننے کی کوشش کرنا۔ معلومات چاہنا۔ |
2. wonder [ Synonyms: question] | |
Place in doubt or express doubtful speculation
"I wonder whether this was the right thing to do"; "she wondered whether it would snow tonight";
سوچنا۔ |
3. wonder [ Synonyms: marvel] | |
Be amazed at
"We marvelled at the child's linguistic abilities";
حیران ہو جانا۔ |
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