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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
Verb Forms: (beatify, beatified,beatified)

Verb: beatify
1. beatify [ Synonyms: exalt, exhilarate, inebriate, thrill, tickle pink]
Fill with sublime emotion
"The children were thrilled at the prospect of going to the movies"; "He was inebriated by his phenomenal success";
جذباتی ہوجانا۔
خوش ہونا۔
پہولے نہ سمانا۔
2. beatify
Make blessedly happy
خوش کرنا۔
3. beatify
Declare (a dead person) to be blessed; the first step of achieving sainthood
"On Sunday, the martyr will be beatified by the Vatican";

Lexical Analysis

Word of the day

December 22, 2024
- a building (or room) where dead bodies are kept before burial or cremation
وہ جگہ جہاں مردے رکھے جاتے ہیں,مردہ خانہ
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