1. beset [ Synonyms: chevvy, chevy, chivvy, chivy, harass, harry, hassle, molest, plague, provoke] | |
Annoy continually or chronically
"He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked"; "This man harasses his female co-workers";
بار بار تنگ کرنا
۔ چھیڑ چھاڑ کرنا۔ ہراساں کرنا ۔ |
2. beset [ Synonyms: set upon] | |
Assail or attack on all sides:
"The zebra was beset by leopards";
ہر طرف سے حملہ کرنا۔ |
3. beset [ Synonyms: encrust, incrust] | |
Decorate or cover lavishly (as with gems)
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