1. blinking [ Synonyms: winking] | |
Closing the eyes intermittently and rapidly
"he stood blinking in the bright sunlight";
2. blinking [ Synonyms: bally, bloody, blooming, crashing, flaming, fucking] | |
Informal intensifiers
"what a bally (or blinking) nuisance"; "a bloody fool"; "a crashing bore"; "you flaming idiot";
شدید۔ بیوقوف۔ انتہائی۔ پاگل۔ |
1. blinking [ Synonyms: blink, eye blink, nictation, nictitation, wink, winking] | |
A reflex that closes and opens the eyes rapidly
جھپک۔ آنکھیں جھپکانا۔ آنکھ کی جھپک۔ پلک جھپکانا۔ |
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