1. break off [ Synonyms: break short, cut short] | |
Interrupt before its natural or planned end
"We had to cut short our vacation";
2. break off [ Synonyms: break, discontinue, stop] | |
Prevent completion
"stop the project"; "break off the negotiations";
۔ بند کر دینا ۔ ختم کرنا ۔ |
3. break off [ Synonyms: break away, chip, chip off, come off] | |
Break off (a piece from a whole)
"Her tooth chipped";
ٹوٹنا۔ ٹوٹ جانا۔ |
4. break off [ Synonyms: break, snap off] | |
Break a piece from a whole
"break a branch from a tree";
5. break off [ Synonyms: chip, cut off, knap] | |
Break a small piece off from
"chip the glass"; "chip a tooth";
دانتوں سے توڑنا۔ |
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