1. break out [ Synonyms: erupt] | |
Start abruptly
"After 1989, peace broke out in the former East Bloc";
2. break out | |
Begin suddenly and sometimes violently
"He broke out shouting";
3. break out [ Synonyms: break, break away] | |
Move away or escape suddenly
"The horses broke from the stable"; "Three inmates broke jail"; "Nobody can break out--this prison is high security";
بھاگ جانا۔ اچانک بھاگ نکلنا۔ |
4. break out | |
Take from stowage in preparation for use
5. break out [ Synonyms: erupt, recrudesce] | |
Become raw or open
"He broke out in hives"; "My skin breaks out when I eat strawberries"; "Such boils tend to recrudesce";
زخم کا پھوٹ پڑنا۔ دوبارہ نمودار ہونا۔ |
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