1. call in | |
Summon to enter
"The nurse called in the next patient";
2. call in | |
Summon to a particular activity or employment
"Experts were called in";
3. call in [ Synonyms: call, visit] | |
Pay a brief visit
"The mayor likes to call on some of the prominent citizens";
4. call in | |
Take a player out of a game in order to exchange for another player
5. call in | |
Make a phone call
"call in to a radio station"; "call in sick";
6. call in [ Synonyms: call] | |
Demand payment of (a loan)
"Call a loan";
7. call in [ Synonyms: call back, recall, withdraw] | |
Cause to be returned
"recall the defective auto tires"; "The manufacturer tried to call back the spoilt yoghurt";
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