1. coming [ Synonyms: approaching, forthcoming, upcoming] | |
Of the relatively near future
"the approaching election"; "this coming Thursday"; "the forthcoming holidays"; "the upcoming spring fashions";
عنقریب ہونے والا۔ آنے والا۔ |
1. coming [ Synonyms: approach, approaching] | |
The act of drawing spatially closer to something
"the hunter's approach scattered the geese";
آنا۔ پاس آنا۔ |
2. coming [ Synonyms: advent] | |
Arrival that has been awaited (especially of something momentous)
"the advent of the computer";
آمد۔ |
3. coming [ Synonyms: approach, approaching] | |
The temporal property of becoming nearer in time
"the approach of winter";
آمد۔ |
4. coming [ Synonyms: climax, orgasm, sexual climax] | |
The moment of most intense pleasure in sexual intercourse
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