1. coney [ Synonyms: epinephelus fulvus] | |
Black-spotted usually dusky-colored fish with reddish fins
2. coney [ Synonyms: cony, das, dassie, hyrax] | |
Any of several small ungulate mammals of Africa and Asia with rodent-like incisors and feet with hooflike toes
3. coney [ Synonyms: cony, mouse hare, pika, rock rabbit] | |
Small short-eared burrowing mammal of rocky uplands of Asia and western North America
ایک قسم کا خرگوش۔ |
4. coney [ Synonyms: cony, rabbit] | |
Any of various burrowing animals of the family Leporidae having long ears and short tails; some domesticated and raised for pets or food
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