1. constitutional [ Synonyms: built-in, inbuilt, inherent, integral] | |
Existing as an essential constituent or characteristic
"the Ptolemaic system with its built-in concept of periodicity"; "a constitutional inability to tell the truth";
بنیادی طور پر موجود۔ جبلی۔ پیدائشی۔ |
2. constitutional [ Synonyms: constituent, constitutive, organic] | |
Constitutional in the structure of something (especially your physical makeup)
وضعی۔ |
3. constitutional | |
Of benefit to or intended to benefit your physical makeup
"constitutional walk";
4. constitutional | |
Sanctioned by or consistent with or operating under the law determining the fundamental political principles of a government
"the constitutional right of free speech"; "constitutional government"; "constitutional guarantees";
دستوری۔ آئینی۔ |
1. constitutional | |
A regular walk taken as a form of exercise
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