1. correspondent [ Synonyms: analogous] | |
Similar or equivalent in some respects though otherwise dissimilar
"brains and computers are often considered analogous"; "salmon roe is marketed as analogous to caviar";
مشابہ۔ ملتا جلتا۔ مماثل۔ |
1. correspondent [ Synonyms: letter writer] | |
Someone who communicates by means of letters
مراسلہ نگار۔ |
2. correspondent [ Synonyms: newspaperman, newspaperwoman, newswriter, pressman] | |
A journalist employed to provide news stories for newspapers or broadcast media
رپورٹر۔ اخباری نمائیندہ۔ نامہ نگار۔ |
Fertilizer Distributor and Shop Software The software is designed for a business dealing in fertilizers. Purcha ... Read more