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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Verb: deaden
1. deaden [ Synonyms: damp, dampen]
Make vague or obscure or make (an image) less visible
"muffle the message";
مبہم کرنا۔
2. deaden [ Synonyms: girdle]
Cut a girdle around so as to kill by interrupting the circulation of water and nutrients
"girdle the plant";
3. deaden
Make vapid or deprive of spirit
"deadened wine";
4. deaden
Lessen the momentum or velocity of
"deaden a ship's headway";
مدھم کرنا۔
5. deaden
Become lifeless, less lively, intense, or active; lose life, force, or vigor
6. deaden [ Synonyms: blunt]
Make less lively, intense, or vigorous; impair in vigor, force, activity, or sensation
"Terror blunted her feelings"; "deaden a sound";
بے حس کرنا۔
7. deaden
Convert (metallic mercury) into a grey powder consisting of minute globules, as by shaking with chalk or fatty oil

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December 22, 2024
- a formal or authoritative proclamation
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