1. divert [ Synonyms: deviate] | |
Turn aside; turn away from
پھیرنا۔ موڑنا۔ منحرف ہونا۔ |
2. divert | |
Send on a course or in a direction different from the planned or intended one
3. divert [ Synonyms: amuse, disport] | |
Occupy in an agreeable, entertaining or pleasant fashion
"The play amused the ladies";
تفریح دینا۔ خوش کرنا۔ دل بہلانا۔ |
4. divert [ Synonyms: hive off] | |
Withdraw (money) and move into a different location, often secretly and with dishonest intentions
Wholesale & Distribution Software The software handles many different type of businesses. Inventory, sal ... Read more