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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Adjective: Divine
1. Divine [ Synonyms: godly]
Emanating from God
"divine judgment"; "divine guidance"; "everything is black or white...satanic or godly";
2. Divine [ Synonyms: providential]
Resulting from divine providence
"providential care"; "a providential visitation";
3. Divine [ Synonyms: godlike]
Being or having the nature of a god
"the custom of killing the divine king upon any serious failure of his...powers"; "the divine will"; "the divine capacity for love"; "'Tis wise to learn; 'tis God-like to create";
خُدا جیسی۔
دیوتاوٴں کے لائق۔
4. Divine
Devoted to or in the service or worship of a deity
"divine worship"; "divine liturgy";
5. Divine [ Synonyms: godlike]
Appropriate to or befitting a god
"the divine strength of Achilles"; "a man of godlike sagacity"; "man must play God for he has acquired certain godlike powers";
ربّانی ۔
6. Divine [ Synonyms: elysian, inspired]
Being of such surpassing excellence as to suggest inspiration by the gods
"her pies were simply divine"; "the divine Shakespeare"; "an elysian meal"; "an inspired performance";
بہشتی۔ نہایت آرام دہ۔ فرحت انگیز۔ دل پسند۔ راحت بخش۔ جنتی۔
Noun: Divine
1. Divine [ Synonyms: almighty, creator, god almighty, godhead, jehovah, lord, maker]
Terms referring to the Judeo-Christian God
قادر مطلق۔
2. Divine [ Synonyms: churchman, cleric, ecclesiastic]
A clergyman or other person in religious orders
مذہبی پیشوا۔
Verb: Divine
1. Divine
Perceive intuitively or through some inexplicable perceptive powers
2. Divine
Search by divining, as if with a rod
"He claimed he could divine underground water";

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December 22, 2024
- (Judaism) the place of worship for a Jewish congregation
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