1. dressed [ Synonyms: appareled, attired, garbed, garmented, habilimented, robed] | |
Dressed or clothed especially in fine attire; often used in combination
"the elegantly attired gentleman"; "neatly dressed workers"; "monks garbed in hooded robes"; "went about oddly garmented"; "professors robed in crimson"; "tuxedo-attired gentlemen"; "crimson-robed Harvard professors";
لباس پہنا۔ |
2. dressed | |
Treated with medications and protective covering
3. dressed [ Synonyms: polished] | |
(of lumber or stone) to trim and smooth
4. dressed [ Synonyms: dolled up, dressed-up, dressed to kill, dressed to the nines, spiffed up, spruced up, togged up] | |
Dressed in fancy or formal clothing
زرق برق اور پُر تکلُف لباس میں ملبوس۔ |
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