1. dumb [ Synonyms: dense, dim, dull, obtuse, slow] | |
Slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity
"so dense he never understands anything I say to him"; "never met anyone quite so dim"; "although dull at classical learning, at mathematics he was uncommonly quick"; "dumb officials make some really dumb decisions"; "he was either normally stupid or being deliberately obtuse"; "worked with the slow students";
کم عقل۔ کم عقل۔ کند ذہن۔ |
2. dumb [ Synonyms: speechless] | |
Temporarily incapable of speaking
"struck dumb"; "speechless with shock";
خاموش۔ گونگا۔ |
3. dumb | |
Lacking the power of human speech
"dumb animals";
بولنے سے قاصر۔ |
4. dumb [ Synonyms: mute, silent] | |
Unable to speak because of hereditary deafness
بے زبان۔ گونگا۔ |
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