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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: Exodus
1. Exodus [ Synonyms: hegira, hejira]
A journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment
ہِجرَت ۔ خَرُوج ۔ اِنخَلا ۔ کِسی مَقام سے لوگوں کی کَثِير تَعداد کا خَروج ۔ وَسِيع پَيمانے پَر ہِجرَت۔
2. Exodus [ Synonyms: book of exodus]
The second book of the Old Testament: tells of the departure of the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt led by Moses; God gave them the Ten Commandments and the rest of Mosaic law on Mount Sinai during the Exodus

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December 22, 2024
- a small branch or division of a branch (especially a terminal division); usually applied to branches of the current or preceding year
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