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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Adjective: foliate
1. foliate
(often used as a combining form) having or resembling a leaf or having a specified kind or number of leaves
"`foliate' is combined with the prefix `tri' to form the word `trifoliate'";
2. foliate [ Synonyms: foliaceous, foliated]
(especially of metamorphic rock) having thin leaflike layers or strata
3. foliate [ Synonyms: foliated]
Ornamented with foliage or foils
"foliate tracery"; "a foliated capital";
Verb: foliate
1. foliate
Hammer into thin flat foils
"foliate metal";
2. foliate
Decorate with leaves
پتوں سے سجانا۔
3. foliate
Coat or back with metal foil
"foliate glass";
4. foliate [ Synonyms: page, paginate]
Number the pages of a book or manuscript
صفحہ بندی کرنا ۔
صفحات پر نمبر ڈالنا ۔۔
5. foliate
Grow leaves
"the tree foliated in Spring";

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