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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: grapnel
1. grapnel [ Synonyms: grapple, grappler, grappling hook, grappling iron]
A tool consisting of several hooks for grasping and holding; often thrown with a rope
کئی ہک والا ایک آلہ جس سے چیزیں پکڑنے میں مدد ملتی ہے۔
2. grapnel [ Synonyms: grapnel anchor]
A light anchor for small boats

Lexical Analysis

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Word of the day

December 26, 2024
- move with or as if with a rushing sound
زناٹے سے گزر جانا
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