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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Adjective: harsh
1. harsh [ Synonyms: rough]
Unpleasantly stern
"wild and harsh country full of hot sand and cactus"; "the nomad life is rough and hazardous";
2. harsh
Unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses
"the harsh cry of a blue jay"; "harsh cognac"; "the harsh white light makes you screw up your eyes"; "harsh irritating smoke filled the hallway";
3. harsh [ Synonyms: rough]
Unkind or cruel or uncivil
"had harsh words"; "a harsh and unlovable old tyrant"; "a rough answer";
4. harsh
"a harsh penalty";
5. harsh [ Synonyms: abrasive]
Sharply disagreeable; rigorous
"the harsh facts of court delays"; "an abrasive character";
6. harsh [ Synonyms: coarse]
Of textures that are rough to the touch or substances consisting of relatively large particles
"coarse meal"; "coarse sand"; "a coarse weave";

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December 26, 2024
- get involved, so as to alter or hinder an action, or through force or threat of force
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