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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Adjective: impulsive
1. impulsive [ Synonyms: unprompted]
Proceeding from natural feeling or impulse without external stimulus
"an impulsive gesture of affection";
2. impulsive
Without forethought
"letting him borrow her car was an impulsive act that she immediately regretted";
عجلت میں کیاگیا کام۔
3. impulsive [ Synonyms: driving]
Having the power of driving or impelling
"a driving personal ambition"; "the driving force was his innate enthusiasm"; "an impulsive force";
4. impulsive [ Synonyms: capricious, whimsical]
Determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason
"a capricious refusal"; "authoritarian rulers are frequently capricious"; "the victim of whimsical persecutions";
من مانا۔
من موجی۔
من کی خواہش پر۔
5. impulsive [ Synonyms: brainish, hotheaded, impetuous, madcap, tearaway]
Characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation
"a hotheaded decision"; "liable to such impulsive acts as hugging strangers"; "an impetuous display of spending and gambling"; "madcap escapades";
بے سمجھے۔

Word of the day

March 16, 2025
- keep from happening or arising; make impossible
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