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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Adjective: incidental
1. incidental [ Synonyms: accidental, nonessential]
Not of prime or central importance
"nonessential to the integral meanings of poetry"; "the character's motives remain accidental to the plot";
عمدہ یا مرکزی اہمیت کا حامل نہ ہونا۔۔
2. incidental [ Synonyms: accompanying, attendant, collateral, concomitant, consequent, ensuant, resultant, sequent]
Occurring with or following as a consequence
"an excessive growth of bureaucracy, with attendant problems"; "snags incidental to the changeover in management"; "attendant circumstances"; "the period of tension and consequent need for military preparedness"; "the ensuant response to his appeal"; "the resultant savings were considerable"; "collateral target damage from a bombing run";
کسی چیز کا ہم آہنگ ہو جانا۔
Noun: incidental
1. incidental [ Synonyms: incidental expense, minor expense]
(frequently plural) an expense not budgeted or not specified
"he requested reimbursement of $7 for incidental expenses";
2. incidental
An item that is incidental

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