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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Adjective: incorporate
1. incorporate [ Synonyms: incorporated, integrated, merged, unified]
Formed or united into a whole
ملا ہوا۔
Verb: incorporate
1. incorporate [ Synonyms: integrate]
Make into a whole or make part of a whole
"She incorporated his suggestions into her proposal";
یکجا کرنا۔
2. incorporate [ Synonyms: comprise, contain]
Include or contain; have as a component
"A totally new idea is comprised in this paper"; "The record contains many old songs from the 1930's";
شامل کرنا۔
شامل ہونا۔
مشتمل ہونا۔
3. incorporate
Form a corporation
ادارہ تشکیل کرنا۔
4. incorporate
Unite or merge with something already in existence
"incorporate this document with those pertaining to the same case";

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