1. indulge | |
Give free rein to
"The writer indulged in metaphorical language";
مرضی کے مطابق کام کرنے دینا۔ |
2. indulge [ Synonyms: gratify, pander] | |
Yield (to); give satisfaction to
مطمئن کرنا۔ |
3. indulge [ Synonyms: luxuriate] | |
Enjoy to excess
"She indulges in ice cream";
مزے اڑانا۔ |
4. indulge [ Synonyms: baby, cocker, coddle, cosset, featherbed, mollycoddle, pamper, spoil] | |
Treat with excessive indulgence
"grandparents often pamper the children"; "Let's not mollycoddle our students!";
ضرورت سے زیادہ لاڈ پیار کرنا
۔ لاڈ پیار سے بگاڑنا ۔ |
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