1. inflexible [ Synonyms: rigid, unbending] | |
Incapable of adapting or changing to meet circumstances
"a rigid disciplinarian"; "an inflexible law"; "an unbending will to dominate";
جو آسانی سے مڑ نہ سکے۔ |
2. inflexible | |
Incapable of change
"a man of inflexible purpose";
جو بدل نہ سکے۔ اٹل۔ |
3. inflexible [ Synonyms: sturdy, uncompromising] | |
Not making concessions
"took an uncompromising stance in the peace talks"; "uncompromising honesty";
غیر مصالحت پسندانہ۔ |
4. inflexible | |
Resistant to being bent
"an inflexible iron bar"; "an inflexible knife blade";
بے لچک۔ جو موڑی نا جاسکے۔ |
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