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(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: Jackson
1. Jackson [ Synonyms: glenda jackson]
English film actress who later became a member of British Parliament (born in 1936)
انگریزی فلمی اداکار۔
2. Jackson [ Synonyms: michael jackson, michael joe jackson]
United States singer who began singing with his four brothers and later became a highly successful star during the 1980s (born in 1958)
امریکی مشہور گلوکار ۔
مائیکل جیکسن ۔
3. Jackson [ Synonyms: mahalia jackson]
United States singer who did much to popularize gospel music (1911-1972)
4. Jackson [ Synonyms: jesse jackson, jesse louis jackson]
United States civil rights leader who led a national campaign against racial discrimination and ran for presidential nomination (born in 1941)
5. Jackson [ Synonyms: helen hunt jackson, helen maria fiske hunt jackson]
United States writer of romantic novels about the unjust treatment of Native Americans (1830-1885)
6. Jackson [ Synonyms: stonewall jackson, thomas j. jackson, thomas jackson, thomas jonathan jackson]
General in the Confederate Army during the American Civil War whose troops at the first Battle of Bull Run stood like a stone wall (1824-1863)
7. Jackson [ Synonyms: andrew jackson, old hickory]
7th president of the US; successfully defended New Orleans from the British in 1815; expanded the power of the presidency (1767-1845)
8. Jackson
A town in western Wyoming
9. Jackson
A town in western Tennessee
10. Jackson [ Synonyms: capital of mississippi]
Capital of the state of Mississippi on the Pearl River
11. Jackson
A town in south central Michigan

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