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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
lame Urdu meaning
lame Urdu meaning
lame Urdu meaning

Adjective: lame
1. lame [ Synonyms: feeble]
Pathetically lacking in force or effectiveness
"a feeble excuse"; "a lame argument";
لکڑی کا ٹکرا۔
2. lame [ Synonyms: crippled, game, gimpy, halt, halting]
Disabled in the feet or legs
"a crippled soldier"; "a game leg";
جو کرگھے میں ڈوریوں کو پائیدان سے ملاتا ہے۔
Noun: lame
1. lame
A fabric interwoven with threads of metal
"she wore a gold lame dress";
Verb: lame
1. lame [ Synonyms: cripple]
Deprive of the use of a limb, especially a leg
"The accident has crippled her for life";
اپاہج ہونا ۔
معذور کرنا ۔

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