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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:

liliopsid family

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: liliopsid family
1. liliopsid family [ Synonyms: monocot family]
Family of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seed

Lexical Analysis

Generic Words:

Specific Words:
acoraceae, alismataceae, araceae, arecaceae, arrow-grass family, arrowroot family, arum family, banana family, bloodwort family, bromeliaceae, bur-reed family, burmanniaceae, cannaceae, cattail family, commelinaceae, cyperaceae, duckweed family, eelgrass family, eriocaulaceae, family alismataceae, family araceae, family arecaceae, family bromeliaceae, family burmanniaceae, family cannaceae, family commelinaceae, family cyperaceae, family eriocaulaceae, family graminaceae, family gramineae, family haemodoraceae, family hydrocharidaceae, family hydrocharitaceae, family juncaceae, family juncaginaceae, family lemnaceae, family marantaceae, family mayacaceae, family musaceae, family naiadaceae, family najadaceae, family orchidaceae, family palmaceae, family palmae, family pandanaceae, family poaceae, family pontederiaceae, family potamogetonaceae, family rapateaceae, family scheuchzeriaceae, family sparganiaceae, family strelitziaceae, family typhaceae, family xyridaceae, family zannichelliaceae, family zingiberaceae, family zosteraceae, frog's-bit family, frogbit family, ginger family, graminaceae, gramineae, grass family, haemodoraceae, hydrocharidaceae, hydrocharitaceae, juncaceae, juncaginaceae, lemnaceae, liliid monocot family, marantaceae, mayacaceae, musaceae, naiad family, naiadaceae, najadaceae, orchid family, orchidaceae, palm family, palmaceae, palmae, pandanaceae, pickerelweed family, pineapple family, pipewort family, poaceae, pondweed family, pontederiaceae, potamogetonaceae, rapateaceae, rush family, scheuchzeriaceae, screw-pine family, sedge family, sparganiaceae, spiderwort family, strelitzia family, strelitziaceae, subfamily acoraceae, typhaceae, water-plantain family, xyridaceae, yellow-eyed grass family, zannichelliaceae, zingiberaceae, zosteraceae

Word of the day

March 26, 2025
- a fastener (as a buckle or hook) that is used to hold two things together
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