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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:

magnoliopsid family

(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: magnoliopsid family
1. magnoliopsid family [ Synonyms: dicot family]
Family of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination

Lexical Analysis

Generic Words:

Specific Words:
aceraceae, amygdalaceae, anacardiaceae, apocynaceae, aquifoliaceae, aristolochiaceae, asclepiadaceae, asterid dicot family, birthwort family, bladdernut family, box family, broomrape family, buckbean family, buckthorn family, buckwheat family, buxaceae, cannabidaceae, caryophylloid dicot family, casuarinaceae, cecropiaceae, celastraceae, chloranthaceae, combretaceae, combretum family, convolvulaceae, corkwood family, crowberry family, cucurbitaceae, daphne family, dilleniid dicot family, dogbane family, droseraceae, ebenaceae, ebony family, elaeagnaceae, elm family, empetraceae, family aceraceae, family amygdalaceae, family anacardiaceae, family apocynaceae, family aquifoliaceae, family aristolochiaceae, family asclepiadaceae, family buxaceae, family cannabidaceae, family casuarinaceae, family cecropiaceae, family celastraceae, family chloranthaceae, family combretaceae, family convolvulaceae, family cucurbitaceae, family droseraceae, family ebenaceae, family elaeagnaceae, family empetraceae, family gentianaceae, family goodeniaceae, family haloragaceae, family haloragidaceae, family hippocastanaceae, family hydnoraceae, family juglandaceae, family lecythidaceae, family leitneriaceae, family linaceae, family lobeliaceae, family loganiaceae, family lythraceae, family menyanthaceae, family moraceae, family myricaceae, family myrsinaceae, family myrtaceae, family nepenthaceae, family nyssaceae, family oleaceae, family orobanchaceae, family piperaceae, family plantaginaceae, family plumbaginaceae, family polygonaceae, family primulaceae, family proteaceae, family punicaceae, family rafflesiaceae, family rhamnaceae, family rhizophoraceae, family roridulaceae, family salvadoraceae, family sapindaceae, family sapotaceae, family sarraceniaceae, family saururaceae, family staphylaceae, family styracaceae, family symplocaceae, family theophrastaceae, family thymelaeaceae, family trapaceae, family ulmaceae, family urticaceae, family vitaceae, flax family, gentian family, gentianaceae, goodenia family, goodeniaceae, gourd family, grapevine family, haloragaceae, haloragidaceae, hamamelid dicot family, hemp family, hippocastanaceae, holly family, horse-chestnut family, hydnoraceae, juglandaceae, leadwort family, lecythidaceae, leitneriaceae, linaceae, lizard's-tail family, lobelia family, lobeliaceae, loganiaceae, loosestrife family, lythraceae, magnoliid dicot family, mangrove family, maple family, menyanthaceae, milkweed family, moraceae, morning-glory family, mulberry family, myricaceae, myrsinaceae, myrsine family, myrtaceae, myrtle family, nepenthaceae, nettle family, nyssaceae, oleaceae, oleaster family, olive family, orobanchaceae, pepper family, piperaceae, pitcher-plant family, plantaginaceae, plantain family, plumbaginaceae, polygonaceae, primrose family, primulaceae, protea family, proteaceae, punicaceae, rafflesiaceae, rhamnaceae, rhizophoraceae, roridulaceae, rosid dicot family, salvadora family, salvadoraceae, sapindaceae, sapodilla family, sapotaceae, sarraceniaceae, saururaceae, sea-lavender family, soapberry family, sour-gum family, spindle-tree family, staff-tree family, staphylaceae, storax family, styracaceae, styrax family, sumac family, sundew family, sweetleaf family, symplocaceae, theophrastaceae, thymelaeaceae, trapaceae, tupelo family, ulmaceae, urticaceae, vitaceae, vitidaceae, walnut family, water-milfoil family, wax-myrtle family

Word of the day

September 29, 2024
- express indirectly by an image, form, or model; be a symbol
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