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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Adjective: mediate
1. mediate [ Synonyms: in-between, middle]
Being neither at the beginning nor at the end in a series
"adolescence is an awkward in-between age"; "in a mediate position"; "the middle point on a line";
2. mediate
Acting through or dependent on an intervening agency
"the disease spread by mediate as well as direct contact";
Verb: mediate
1. mediate [ Synonyms: arbitrate, intercede, intermediate, liaise]
Act between parties with a view to reconciling differences
"He interceded in the family dispute"; "He mediated a settlement";
صلح کرانے کا عمل۔
ثالثی کرنا۔
ثالث بننا۔
درمیان میں پڑنا۔
دو فریقوں کے درمیان مصالحت کرانے کا عمل۔
2. mediate
Occupy an intermediate or middle position or form a connecting link or stage between two others
"mediate between the old and the new";

Word of the day

December 22, 2024
- Vice President of the United States under Bill Clinton (born in 1948)
بل کلنٹن کے تحت امریکہ کے نائب صدر (1948 ء میں پیدا ہوئے)
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