1. mercy [ Synonyms: clemency, mercifulness] | |
Leniency and compassion shown toward offenders by a person or agency charged with administering justice
"he threw himself on the mercy of the court";
رحم و کرم۔ |
2. mercy [ Synonyms: mercifulness] | |
A disposition to be kind and forgiving
"in those days a wife had to depend on the mercifulness of her husband";
رحم۔ رحم دلی۔ شفقت۔ مہربانی۔ |
3. mercy [ Synonyms: mercifulness] | |
The feeling that motivates compassion
4. mercy | |
Something for which to be thankful
"it was a mercy we got out alive";
احسان۔ کرم۔ |
5. mercy | |
Alleviation of distress; showing great kindness toward the distressed
"distributing food and clothing to the flood victims was an act of mercy";
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