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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:
mistletoe Urdu meaning
mistletoe Urdu meaning

Noun: mistletoe
1. mistletoe [ Synonyms: false mistletoe]
American plants closely resembling Old World mistletoe
ایک قسم کا اکاس پودا۔
2. mistletoe [ Synonyms: old world mistletoe, viscum album]
Old World parasitic shrub having branching greenish stems with leathery leaves and waxy white glutinous berries; the traditional mistletoe of Christmas
3. mistletoe [ Synonyms: loranthus europaeus]
Shrub of central and southeastern Europe; partially parasitic on beeches, chestnuts and oaks

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