1. mundane [ Synonyms: everyday, quotidian, routine, unremarkable, workaday] | |
Found in the ordinary course of events
"a placid everyday scene"; "it was a routine day"; "there's nothing quite like a real...train conductor to add color to a quotidian commute";
عام دن۔ کام کا دن ۔ |
2. mundane [ Synonyms: terrestrial] | |
Concerned with the world or worldly matters
"mundane affairs"; "he developed an immense terrestrial practicality";
دنیاوی۔ دنیا سے تعلق رکھنے والا۔ |
3. mundane [ Synonyms: terrene] | |
Belonging to this earth or world; not ideal or heavenly
"not a fairy palace; yet a mundane wonder of unimagined kind"; "so terrene a being as himself";
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