1. naive [ Synonyms: primitive] | |
Of or created by one without formal training; simple or naive in style
"primitive art such as that by Grandma Moses is often colorful and striking";
2. naive | |
3. naive [ Synonyms: unenlightened, uninstructed] | |
Lacking information or instruction
"lamentably unenlightened as to the laws";
4. naive [ Synonyms: uninitiate, uninitiated] | |
Not initiated; deficient in relevant experience
"it seemed a bizarre ceremony to uninitiated western eyes"; "he took part in the experiment as a naive subject";
جس کی ابتدا نہ کی گئی ہو ، نا واقف رموز ، بے گانہ ، جسے کسی سلسلے میں داخل نہ کیا گیا ہو یا کسی خاص طرح کی تعلیم نہ دی گئی ہو ، جسے با ضابطہ طور پر شریک نہ کیا گیا ہو ،۔ |
5. naive [ Synonyms: naif] | |
Marked by or showing unaffected simplicity and lack of guile or worldly experience
"a teenager's naive ignorance of life"; "the naive assumption that things can only get better"; "this naive simple creature with wide friendly eyes so eager to believe appearances";
سیدھا سادہ۔ معصومانہ۔ |
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