1. nautilus [ Synonyms: nuclear-powered submarine, nuclear submarine] | |
A submarine that is propelled by nuclear power
ایک سرپایہ صدفہ جس کے پاﺅں سر سے لگے ہوں۔ |
2. nautilus [ Synonyms: argonaut, argonauta argo, paper nautilus] | |
Cephalopod mollusk of warm seas whose females have delicate papery spiral shells
جنس ناٹیلس کا کوئی سرپایہ صدفہ جس کا خول حلزونی ہوتا ہے۔ |
3. nautilus [ Synonyms: chambered nautilus, pearly nautilus] | |
Cephalopod of the Indian and Pacific oceans having a spiral shell with pale pearly partitions
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