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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Adjective: neat
1. neat [ Synonyms: orderly]
Clean or organized
"her neat dress"; "a neat room";
صاف ستھرا۔
2. neat
Showing care in execution
"neat homework"; "neat handwriting";
3. neat [ Synonyms: clean]
Free from clumsiness; precisely or deftly executed
"he landed a clean left on his opponent's cheek"; "a clean throw"; "the neat exactness of the surgeon's knife";
4. neat [ Synonyms: facile, slick]
Superficially impressive, but lacking depth and attention to the true complexities of a subject
"too facile a solution for so complex a problem"; "it was a neat plan, but bound to fail"; "a slick advertising campaign";
5. neat [ Synonyms: bang-up, bully, corking, cracking, dandy, great, groovy, keen, nifty, not bad, old, peachy, slap-up, smashing, swell]
Very good
"he did a bully job"; "a neat sports car"; "had a great time at the party"; "you look simply smashing"; "we had a grand old time";
6. neat [ Synonyms: full-strength, straight]
(of an alcoholic drink) without water
"took his whiskey neat";

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December 22, 2024
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