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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Adjective: New
1. New [ Synonyms: fresh, novel]
Original and of a kind not seen before
"the computer produced a completely novel proof of a well-known theorem";
2. New [ Synonyms: raw]
Lacking training or experience
"the new men were eager to fight"; "raw recruits";
غیر تجربہ کار۔
3. New [ Synonyms: unexampled]
Having no previous example or precedent or parallel
"a time of unexampled prosperity";
بے مثل۔
بے نظیر۔
4. New
Other than the former one(s); different
"they now have a new leaders"; "my new car is four years old but has only 15,000 miles on it"; "ready to take a new direction";
5. New
In use after medieval times
"New Eqyptian was the language of the 18th to 21st dynasties";
6. New [ Synonyms: modern]
Used of a living language; being the current stage in its development
"Modern English"; "New Hebrew is Israeli Hebrew";
7. New [ Synonyms: young]
(of crops) harvested at an early stage of development; before complete maturity
"new potatoes"; "young corn";
8. New
Not of long duration; having just (or relatively recently) come into being or been made or acquired or discovered
"a new law"; "new cars"; "a new comet"; "a new friend"; "a new year"; "the New World";
9. New
Unaffected by use or exposure
"it looks like new";
Adverb: New
1. New [ Synonyms: fresh, freshly, newly]
Very recently
"they are newly married"; "newly raised objections"; "a newly arranged hairdo"; "grass new washed by the rain"; "a freshly cleaned floor"; "we are fresh out of tomatoes";
بلکل ابھی۔
حال ہی میں۔
کچھ وقت پہلے۔

Word of the day

December 22, 2024
- ludicrously odd
عجیب و غریب ,مضحکہ خیز ,ہنسنے کے لائق
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