1. occupation [ Synonyms: business, job, line, line of work] | |
The principal activity in your life that you do to earn money
"he's not in my line of business";
۔ کام ۔ |
2. occupation [ Synonyms: military control] | |
The control of a country by military forces of a foreign power
کسی ملک کی زمین پر کسی دوسرے ملک کی فوج کا قبضہ۔ |
3. occupation [ Synonyms: moving in, occupancy] | |
The act of occupying or taking possession of a building
"occupation of a building without a certificate of occupancy is illegal";
قبضہ۔ |
4. occupation | |
The period of time during which a place or position or nation is occupied
"during the German occupation of Paris";
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