1. off | |
Below a satisfactory level
"an off year for tennis"; "his performance was off";
2. off [ Synonyms: sour, turned] | |
In an unpalatable state
"sour milk";
خراب۔ |
3. off | |
Not performing or scheduled for duties
"He's off every Tuesday";
غیر حاضر۔ |
4. off | |
Not in operation or operational
"the oven is off"; "the lights are off";
بند۔ موقوف۔ |
5. off [ Synonyms: cancelled] | |
(of events) no longer planned or scheduled
"the wedding is definitely off";
تنسیخ شدہ۔ منسوخ شدہ۔ |
1. off [ Synonyms: bump off, dispatch, hit, murder, polish off, remove, slay] | |
Kill intentionally and with premeditation
"The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered";
قتل کر دینا۔ مارنا۔ مار ڈالنا۔ |
1. off [ Synonyms: away] | |
At a distance in space or time
"the boat was 5 miles off (or away)"; "the party is still 2 weeks off (or away)"; "away back in the 18th century";
دور۔ |
2. off | |
No longer on or in contact or attached
"clean off the dirt"; "he shaved off his mustache";
الگ کرنا۔ ہٹانا۔ |
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