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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: oxbow
1. oxbow
The land inside an oxbow bend in a river
دریا کا اُلٹے رُخ پھرنے والا کنڈل نُما موڑ۔
2. oxbow
A U-shaped curve in a stream
بیل کے جوۓ کے ساتھ لگا ہوا یو کی شکل کا کنٹھا۔
3. oxbow
A wooden framework bent in the shape of a U; its upper ends are attached to the horizontal yoke and the loop goes around the neck of an ox

Lexical Analysis

Word of the day

December 26, 2024
- garden tool for mowing grass on lawns
گھاس تَراش ۔
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