1. pane [ Synonyms: pane of glass, window glass] | |
Sheet glass cut in shapes for windows or doors
کھڑکی یا دروازے کے چوکھٹے کا شیشہ۔ |
2. pane [ Synonyms: paneling, panelling] | |
A panel or section of panels in a wall or door
3. pane [ Synonyms: acid, back breaker, battery-acid, dose, dot, elvis, loony toons, lucy in the sky with diamonds, superman, window pane, zen] | |
Street name for lysergic acid diethylamide
ہنگری کا دارالحکومت اور سب سے بڑا شہر۔ |
Wholesale & Distribution Software The software handles many different type of businesses. Inventory, sal ... Read more