1. Passion [ Synonyms: passionateness] | |
A strong feeling or emotion
جذبہ۔ |
2. Passion [ Synonyms: heat, warmth] | |
The trait of being intensely emotional
3. Passion [ Synonyms: rage] | |
Something that is desired intensely
"his rage for fame destroyed him";
طیش۔ بے حد شوق۔ |
4. Passion [ Synonyms: cacoethes, mania] | |
An irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action
خبط۔ |
5. Passion | |
A feeling of strong sexual desire
6. Passion [ Synonyms: love] | |
Any object of warm affection or devotion
"the theater was her first love"; "he has a passion for cock fighting";
7. Passion [ Synonyms: passion of christ] | |
The suffering of Jesus at the Crucifixion
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