1. propose [ Synonyms: advise, suggest] | |
Make a proposal, declare a plan for something
"the senator proposed to abolish the sales tax";
تجویز دینا۔ |
2. propose [ Synonyms: project] | |
Present for consideration, examination, criticism, etc.
"He proposed a new plan for dealing with terrorism"; "She proposed a new theory of relativity"; "The candidate projects himself as a moderate and a reformer";
3. propose [ Synonyms: aim, purport, purpose] | |
Propose or intend
"I aim to arrive at noon";
ارادہ کرنا۔ |
4. propose [ Synonyms: nominate] | |
Put forward; nominate for appointment to an office or for an honor or position
"The President nominated her as head of the Civil Rights Commission";
نامزد کرنا۔ |
5. propose [ Synonyms: declare oneself, offer, pop the question] | |
Ask (someone) to marry you
"he popped the question on Sunday night"; "she proposed marriage to the man she had known for only two months"; "The old bachelor finally declared himself to the young woman";
شادی کا پیغام دینا۔ شادی کی پیشکش کرنا۔ |
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