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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Noun: realism
1. realism [ Synonyms: pragmatism]
The attribute of accepting the facts of life and favoring practicality and literal truth
حقیقت پسندی۔
2. realism [ Synonyms: reality, realness]
The state of being actual or real
"the reality of his situation slowly dawned on him";
حقیقت ۔
حقیقت بینی ۔
3. realism [ Synonyms: naive realism]
(philosophy) the philosophical doctrine that physical objects continue to exist when not perceived
4. realism [ Synonyms: naturalism]
An artistic movement in 19th century France; artists and writers strove for detailed realistic and factual description
5. realism [ Synonyms: platonism]
(philosophy) the philosophical doctrine that abstract concepts exist independent of their names

Word of the day

December 23, 2024
- keep from happening or arising; make impossible
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