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Urdu Meanings, Pronounciation and Synonyms:


(Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US:

Adverb: reasonably
1. reasonably [ Synonyms: fairly, jolly, middling, moderately, passably, pretty, somewhat]
To certain extent or degree
"pretty big"; "pretty bad"; "jolly decent of him"; "the shoes are priced reasonably"; "he is fairly clever with computers";
کسی حد تک۔
2. reasonably [ Synonyms: sanely, sensibly]
With good sense or in a reasonable or intelligent manner
"he acted sensibly in the crisis"; "speak more sanely about these affairs"; "acted quite reasonably";
دانائی و حکمت سے۔
معقول طور پر۔
محسوس طور پر۔

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