1. reconstruct [ Synonyms: construct, retrace] | |
Reassemble mentally
"reconstruct the events of 20 years ago";
دوبارہ ذہن میں لانا۔ دوبارہ بنانا۔ |
2. reconstruct [ Synonyms: rebuild] | |
Build again
"The house was rebuild after it was hit by a bomb";
دوبارہ تعمیر کرنا۔ |
3. reconstruct | |
Cause somebody to adapt or reform socially or politically
4. reconstruct [ Synonyms: restore] | |
Return to its original or usable and functioning condition
"restore the forest to its original pristine condition";
بحال کرنا۔ |
5. reconstruct [ Synonyms: redo, remodel] | |
Do over, as of (part of) a house
"We are remodeling these rooms";
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